Terney district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowMainly it is northern territories, and heat giving in them comes to an end later, than in other areas. Traditionally the latest always finishes "to heat" the Terneysky area – almost until the end of JuneMainly it is northern territories, and heat giving in them comes to an end later, than in other areas. Traditionally the latest always finishes "to heat" the Terneysky area – almost until the end of June5/13/2020Helena ParkhomenkoThough it is (typhoon) and was short, but very rigid. (…) Much it did harm. At us, unfortunately, three persons were lost. In the Terneysky area the man drowned, in the Lazovsky area the woman washed away a stream, in Dalnegorsk too washed away a stream the woman9/12/2022Oleg KozhemyakoMainly it is northern territories, and heat giving in them comes to an end later, than in other areas. Traditionally the latest always finishes "to heat" the Terneysky area – almost until the end of JuneMainly it is northern territories, and heat giving in them comes to an end later, than in other areas. Traditionally the latest always finishes "to heat" the Terneysky area – almost until the end of June5/13/2020Helena ParkhomenkoThough it is (typhoon) and was short, but very rigid. (…) Much it did harm. At us, unfortunately, three persons were lost. In the Terneysky area the man drowned, in the Lazovsky area the woman washed away a stream, in Dalnegorsk too washed away a stream the woman9/12/2022Oleg KozhemyakoMainly it is northern territories, and heat giving in them comes to an end later, than in other areas. Traditionally the latest always finishes "to heat" the Terneysky area – almost until the end of JuneMainly it is northern territories, and heat giving in them comes to an end later, than in other areas. Traditionally the latest always finishes "to heat" the Terneysky area – almost until the end of June5/13/2020Helena Parkhomenko129Region News+2 last weekHead since 2019Sergei Nikolaevich NaumkinMedia Score: LowHead since 2019Sergei Nikolaevich Naumkin12:41:50 AMGMT+1025RUS+7 42374Dialing code92Connections+8 last weekPopulation10 818NewsConnections Tree
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Housing and Utility SectorПоловина поселка осталась без света в ПриморьеMK.RU Vladivostok12/7/2024CompaniesGeography20 secLawОбзор правовых новостей Дальневосточного федерального округа с 29 ноября по 5 декабря 2024 года12/5/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyMediaLaws17.9 minFar Eastern Federal DistrictДвое мужчин получили обвинительный приговор за незаконную добычу крабаAIF-Vladivostok12/3/2024CompaniesGeographyMedia38 secAccidentsНапал и утащил в тайгу. В Хабаровском крае тигр загрыз мужчину11/21/2024CompaniesGeographyMedia1.3 minAccidentsТигр напал на водителя лесовоза и утащил его в лес в Хабаровском краеGazeta.Ru11/21/2024Geography41 secOtherНочь, медведь и один шанс на спасение: приморский рыбак выжил в схваткеperiodical e-edition "MK.ru"11/8/2024GeographyMedia2.7 min
Trending LawsMost discussed today1The code about administrative offenses of the Russian FederationRating: 10095Mention frequency10095ConnectionsOrganizations786Places570People279Events139Technologies85Laws64
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