Olga district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowOn Monday the vaccine will be received by the Boundary district, on Tuesday — Kavalerovsky, Olginsky and Shkotovsky areas, the Chuguyevsky district, on Wednesday — Lazovsky and Hankaysky districts, on Friday — the Nadezhdinsky area and the Terneysky districtOn Monday the vaccine will be received by the Boundary district, on Tuesday — Kavalerovsky, Olginsky and Shkotovsky areas, the Chuguyevsky district, on Wednesday — Lazovsky and Hankaysky districts, on Friday — the Nadezhdinsky area and the Terneysky district2/1/2021Oleg KozhemyakoEspecially hard got to the Lazovsky area, the Olginsky area partially suffered, it somehow passed in the Chuguyevsky area on hills10/12/2022Oleg KozhemyakoEspecially hard got to the Lazovsky area, the Olginsky area partially suffered, it somehow passed in the Chuguyevsky area on hillsEspecially hard got to the Lazovsky area, the Olginsky area partially suffered, it somehow passed in the Chuguyevsky area on hills10/11/2022Oleg KozhemyakoOn Monday the vaccine will be received by the Boundary district, on Tuesday — Kavalerovsky, Olginsky and Shkotovsky areas, the Chuguyevsky district, on Wednesday — Lazovsky and Hankaysky districts, on Friday — the Nadezhdinsky area and the Terneysky districtOn Monday the vaccine will be received by the Boundary district, on Tuesday — Kavalerovsky, Olginsky and Shkotovsky areas, the Chuguyevsky district, on Wednesday — Lazovsky and Hankaysky districts, on Friday — the Nadezhdinsky area and the Terneysky district2/1/2021Oleg KozhemyakoEspecially hard got to the Lazovsky area, the Olginsky area partially suffered, it somehow passed in the Chuguyevsky area on hills10/12/2022Oleg KozhemyakoEspecially hard got to the Lazovsky area, the Olginsky area partially suffered, it somehow passed in the Chuguyevsky area on hillsEspecially hard got to the Lazovsky area, the Olginsky area partially suffered, it somehow passed in the Chuguyevsky area on hills10/11/2022Oleg KozhemyakoOn Monday the vaccine will be received by the Boundary district, on Tuesday — Kavalerovsky, Olginsky and Shkotovsky areas, the Chuguyevsky district, on Wednesday — Lazovsky and Hankaysky districts, on Friday — the Nadezhdinsky area and the Terneysky districtOn Monday the vaccine will be received by the Boundary district, on Tuesday — Kavalerovsky, Olginsky and Shkotovsky areas, the Chuguyevsky district, on Wednesday — Lazovsky and Hankaysky districts, on Friday — the Nadezhdinsky area and the Terneysky district2/1/2021Oleg Kozhemyako12311Region News+4 last weekHead since 2020Youri Ivanovich GlushkoMedia Score: LowHead since 2020Youri Ivanovich Glushko5:52:27 PMGMT+1025RUS 42376Dialing code34Connections+12 last weekPopulation9 090NewsConnections Tree
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