Dalnerechensk district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreUpon any "invasion" is not present. At present in the territory of Primorye there is only one conflict situation - in the Dalnerechensky areaUpon any "invasion" is not present. At present in the territory of Primorye there is only one conflict situation - in the Dalnerechensky area12/16/2020Sergei AramilevIt already becomes in Vladivostok, Artem and Nakhodka. We plan to construct similar constructions in the Dalnerechensky area. And personal plots will allow pupils to join work, growing up vegetables8/7/2023Эльвира Викторовна ШамоноваUpon any "invasion" is not present. At present in the territory of Primorye there is only one conflict situation - in the Dalnerechensky areaUpon any "invasion" is not present. At present in the territory of Primorye there is only one conflict situation - in the Dalnerechensky area12/16/2020Sergei AramilevIt already becomes in Vladivostok, Artem and Nakhodka. We plan to construct similar constructions in the Dalnerechensky area. And personal plots will allow pupils to join work, growing up vegetables8/7/2023Эльвира Викторовна ШамоноваUpon any "invasion" is not present. At present in the territory of Primorye there is only one conflict situation - in the Dalnerechensky areaUpon any "invasion" is not present. At present in the territory of Primorye there is only one conflict situation - in the Dalnerechensky area12/16/2020Sergei Aramilev1285Region News+40 last weekHead of the district since 2011Victor Dernov0Media ScoreHead of the district since 2011Victor Dernov11:18:37 AMGMT+1025RUS+742356Dialing code106Connections+51 last weekPopulation9 362NewsConnections Tree
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