Sovetskoe district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreVisit by tourists of nonfreezing lakes in Sovetsky district where arrive became the central event of "The Altai wintering", certainly, to winter swans. This unique event in RussiaVisit by tourists of nonfreezing lakes in Sovetsky district where arrive became the central event of "The Altai wintering", certainly, to winter swans. This unique event in Russia12/18/2017Alexander KarlinThis year we will continue building. 9 more new FAPOV and 4 out-patient clinics we will construct this year in the region. On large objects: to policlinics in Sovetsky district, Rebrikh, the 14th policlinic in Barnaul — we will continue work4/21/2023Victor Petrovich TomenkoVisit by tourists of nonfreezing lakes in Sovetsky district where arrive became the central event of "The Altai wintering", certainly, to winter swans. This unique event in RussiaVisit by tourists of nonfreezing lakes in Sovetsky district where arrive became the central event of "The Altai wintering", certainly, to winter swans. This unique event in Russia12/18/2017Alexander KarlinThis year we will continue building. 9 more new FAPOV and 4 out-patient clinics we will construct this year in the region. On large objects: to policlinics in Sovetsky district, Rebrikh, the 14th policlinic in Barnaul — we will continue work4/21/2023Victor Petrovich TomenkoVisit by tourists of nonfreezing lakes in Sovetsky district where arrive became the central event of "The Altai wintering", certainly, to winter swans. This unique event in RussiaVisit by tourists of nonfreezing lakes in Sovetsky district where arrive became the central event of "The Altai wintering", certainly, to winter swans. This unique event in Russia12/18/2017Alexander Karlin1228Region News+5 last weekHead of the district since 2017Alexander Polkovnikov0Media ScoreHead of the district since 2017Alexander Polkovnikov90years oldDate of establishment19355:23:56 AMGMT+722RUS738598Dialing code86Connections+20 last weekPopulation15 504NewsConnections Tree
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