Yadrin district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowThanks to economy from the held auction construction of three additional medical assistant's and obstetric points in became possible. Small Arabuzi of the Batyrevsky area, of Yanymovo of the Yadrinsky area and of Shorkasa of the Cheboksary areaThanks to economy from the held auction construction of three additional medical assistant's and obstetric points in became possible. Small Arabuzi of the Batyrevsky area, of Yanymovo of the Yadrinsky area and of Shorkasa of the Cheboksary area12/16/2020Vladimir StepanovIt is put forward by United Russia party on the 38th district — it is the Mythical stone and the Alatyrsky area, Shumerl and the Shumerlinsky area, Alikovsky, Vurnarsky, Ibresinsky, Krasnochetaysky, Morgaushsky, Poretsky, Yadrinsky, Cheboksary areas and the city of Cheboksary7/14/2021Alla SalaevThanks to economy from the held auction construction of three additional medical assistant's and obstetric points in became possible. Small Arabuzi of the Batyrevsky area, of Yanymovo of the Yadrinsky area and of Shorkasa of the Cheboksary areaThanks to economy from the held auction construction of three additional medical assistant's and obstetric points in became possible. Small Arabuzi of the Batyrevsky area, of Yanymovo of the Yadrinsky area and of Shorkasa of the Cheboksary area12/16/2020Vladimir StepanovIt is put forward by United Russia party on the 38th district — it is the Mythical stone and the Alatyrsky area, Shumerl and the Shumerlinsky area, Alikovsky, Vurnarsky, Ibresinsky, Krasnochetaysky, Morgaushsky, Poretsky, Yadrinsky, Cheboksary areas and the city of Cheboksary7/14/2021Alla SalaevThanks to economy from the held auction construction of three additional medical assistant's and obstetric points in became possible. Small Arabuzi of the Batyrevsky area, of Yanymovo of the Yadrinsky area and of Shorkasa of the Cheboksary areaThanks to economy from the held auction construction of three additional medical assistant's and obstetric points in became possible. Small Arabuzi of the Batyrevsky area, of Yanymovo of the Yadrinsky area and of Shorkasa of the Cheboksary area12/16/2020Vladimir Stepanov1213Region News+1 last weekChairman since 2017Oleg PalikinMedia Score: LowChairman since 2017Oleg Palikin12:09:41 AMGMT+321RUS+73547Dialing code30Connections+5 last weekPopulation26 065NewsConnections Tree
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