Selty district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowFor children, teachers and all inhabitants of the Seltinsky area this object really long-awaited. In 2017 we discussed need of big modern elementary school for the district with activists, and already very soon it will accept the first pupilsFor children, teachers and all inhabitants of the Seltinsky area this object really long-awaited. In 2017 we discussed need of big modern elementary school for the district with activists, and already very soon it will accept the first pupils8/17/2021Alexander BrechalovThis academic year updated already 12 schools: in Seltinsky, Syumsinsky, Glazov, the Krasnogorsk, Kambarsky, Uvinsky, Alnashsky, Yarsky areas and in Sarapul11/8/2023Alexander BrechalovFor children, teachers and all inhabitants of the Seltinsky area this object really long-awaited. In 2017 we discussed need of big modern elementary school for the district with activists, and already very soon it will accept the first pupilsFor children, teachers and all inhabitants of the Seltinsky area this object really long-awaited. In 2017 we discussed need of big modern elementary school for the district with activists, and already very soon it will accept the first pupils8/17/2021Alexander BrechalovThis academic year updated already 12 schools: in Seltinsky, Syumsinsky, Glazov, the Krasnogorsk, Kambarsky, Uvinsky, Alnashsky, Yarsky areas and in Sarapul11/8/2023Alexander BrechalovFor children, teachers and all inhabitants of the Seltinsky area this object really long-awaited. In 2017 we discussed need of big modern elementary school for the district with activists, and already very soon it will accept the first pupilsFor children, teachers and all inhabitants of the Seltinsky area this object really long-awaited. In 2017 we discussed need of big modern elementary school for the district with activists, and already very soon it will accept the first pupils8/17/2021Alexander Brechalov1220Region News+8 last weekHead of the municipality since 2016Vasilii ProtopopovMedia Score: LowHead of the municipality since 2016Vasilii Protopopov4:34:50 PMGMT+418RUS+734159Dialing code49Connections+36 last weekPopulation10 457NewsConnections Tree
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OtherОбновленный памятник «Родина-мать» открыли в Селтах12/21/2024MediaPeopleCompaniesGeographyProducts17 secSocial policyФестиваль «Минута славы» объединил семьи, воспитывающие детей с ОВЗUnion of women of Russia12/13/2024CompaniesGeographyPeople1.2 minHousing and Utility SectorБольше 7,8 тысяч домов Удмуртии подключили к газу с начала годаUdmurt truth12/11/2024GeographyPeople40 secCross-country skiingПервые тренировки к Зимним сельским спортивным играм начались в СелтахProject Sus@nin12/9/2024GeographyPeople46 secSocial policy15 сельских семей уже получили ключи от нового жилья по КРСТBusiness Square12/8/2024CompaniesPeopleGeography1.2 minSocial policyАлександр Бречалов провел личный прием граждан и ответил на вопросы жителей УдмуртииBusiness Square12/8/2024GeographyCompaniesPeople56 sec
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