Sarapulskij district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowWe are ready to continue to give this equipment for municipal settlements and municipal areas. Until the end of the current year two cars will go to the Sarapul area and one — to the Kiyasovsky areaWe are ready to continue to give this equipment for municipal settlements and municipal areas. Until the end of the current year two cars will go to the Sarapul area and one — to the Kiyasovsky area12/16/2021Petr FominWe "will hand over" all spaces to children until the end of the year. And in the 2024th we will start repairing the rural youth centers - in Balezinsky, Vavozhsky, Sarapul, Sharkansky and Yarsky areas7/21/2023Alexander BrechalovWe are ready to continue to give this equipment for municipal settlements and municipal areas. Until the end of the current year two cars will go to the Sarapul area and one — to the Kiyasovsky areaWe are ready to continue to give this equipment for municipal settlements and municipal areas. Until the end of the current year two cars will go to the Sarapul area and one — to the Kiyasovsky area12/16/2021Petr FominWe "will hand over" all spaces to children until the end of the year. And in the 2024th we will start repairing the rural youth centers - in Balezinsky, Vavozhsky, Sarapul, Sharkansky and Yarsky areas7/21/2023Alexander BrechalovWe are ready to continue to give this equipment for municipal settlements and municipal areas. Until the end of the current year two cars will go to the Sarapul area and one — to the Kiyasovsky areaWe are ready to continue to give this equipment for municipal settlements and municipal areas. Until the end of the current year two cars will go to the Sarapul area and one — to the Kiyasovsky area12/16/2021Petr Fomin1244Region News+11 last week since 2023Айдар Ильсунович ШарафутдиновMedia Score: Low since 2023Айдар Ильсунович Шарафутдинов100years oldDate of establishmentJanuary 4, 19246:21:33 AMGMT+418RUS+734147Dialing code91Connections+43 last weekPopulation24 372NewsConnections Tree
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Social policyМудрость по наследству. Как сохранить и передать народные традицииAIF-Udmurtia11/21/2024PeopleCompaniesGeography5.2 minVolga Federal District62 участка дорог отремонтируют в Удмуртии в 2025 году по нацпроектуProject Sus@nin11/20/2024CompaniesGeographyMedia58 secLawЖитель Каракулинского района осужден за незаконное лишение сожительницы свободыProsecutor's office of the Udmurt Republic11/20/2024Geography23 secSocial policyВ Удмуртии в посёлке Яр открылась студия звукозаписиProject Sus@nin11/17/2024PeopleCompaniesGeography1.3 minAccidentsВ Сарапульском районе пешеход погиб на дорогеProject Sus@nin11/16/2024GeographyProducts20 secVolga Federal DistrictВести. Удмуртия 14.11.2024 День11/15/2024Geography11 sec
Trending OrganizationsMost discussed today40PJSC GazpromRating: 37-37Mention frequency37-37ConnectionsOrganizations1666Places999People965Events271Technologies122Laws11
EcologyВ Удмуртии приостановили деятельность компаний по переработке опасных отходов11/15/2024CompaniesGeographyMedia22 secLawПо требованию прокурора Сарапульского района запрещена деятельность ООО «Экогарант», ООО «Экотех» по обращению с отходамиProsecutor's office of the Udmurt Republic11/15/2024CompaniesGeography1 minLawТерриторию полигона, где сливали промотходы, опечатали приставы УдмуртииAIF-Udmurtia11/15/2024PeopleCompaniesGeographyMediaProducts32 secSecurityВ прокуратуре Удмуртии состоялся личный прием предпринимателейProsecutor's office of the Udmurt Republic11/14/2024PeopleGeography20 secAgricultureВ Удмуртии с начала года произвели более 900 тысяч тонн молокаBusiness Square11/14/2024PeopleCompaniesGeography1.1 minAgricultureБолее 900 тысяч тонн молока произвела Удмуртия в этом годуMy Udmurtia11/13/2024CompaniesGeography21 sec