Cheremshan district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowWhile low indicators of acquisition of spare parts in Almetyevsk, Drozhzhanovsky, Cheremshansky, Verkhneuslonsky, Alkeevsky and Pestrechinsky areasWhile low indicators of acquisition of spare parts in Almetyevsk, Drozhzhanovsky, Cheremshansky, Verkhneuslonsky, Alkeevsky and Pestrechinsky areas2/9/2019Marat AkhmetovOn my name letters from heads of Alkeevsky, Verkhneuslonsky and Cheremshansky areas with a request arrived to render assistance in creation of representations of Assembly of the people of Tatarstan in these municipalities2/15/2021Farid MukhametshinWhile low indicators of acquisition of spare parts in Almetyevsk, Drozhzhanovsky, Cheremshansky, Verkhneuslonsky, Alkeevsky and Pestrechinsky areasWhile low indicators of acquisition of spare parts in Almetyevsk, Drozhzhanovsky, Cheremshansky, Verkhneuslonsky, Alkeevsky and Pestrechinsky areas2/9/2019Marat AkhmetovOn my name letters from heads of Alkeevsky, Verkhneuslonsky and Cheremshansky areas with a request arrived to render assistance in creation of representations of Assembly of the people of Tatarstan in these municipalities2/15/2021Farid MukhametshinWhile low indicators of acquisition of spare parts in Almetyevsk, Drozhzhanovsky, Cheremshansky, Verkhneuslonsky, Alkeevsky and Pestrechinsky areasWhile low indicators of acquisition of spare parts in Almetyevsk, Drozhzhanovsky, Cheremshansky, Verkhneuslonsky, Alkeevsky and Pestrechinsky areas2/9/2019Marat Akhmetov1228Region News+6 last weekMedia Score: Low95years oldDate of establishmentAugust 10, 193011:38:47 AMGMT+316RUS84396Dialing code168Connections+28 last weekPopulation18 921NewsConnections Tree
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