Pestretsy district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreWorks on repair are complete in the Zelenodolsk the municipal area. Closed the program of capital repairs of apartment houses with delivery of objects in the Pestrechinsky areaWorks on repair are complete in the Zelenodolsk the municipal area. Closed the program of capital repairs of apartment houses with delivery of objects in the Pestrechinsky area12/10/2022Marat AyzatullinAs a whole, on the area planned work is conducted, but is where grow. Reserves in the Pestrechinsky area are available, it is necessary to conduct work on increase of business activity of the population8/16/2023Marat ZyabbarovWorks on repair are complete in the Zelenodolsk the municipal area. Closed the program of capital repairs of apartment houses with delivery of objects in the Pestrechinsky areaWorks on repair are complete in the Zelenodolsk the municipal area. Closed the program of capital repairs of apartment houses with delivery of objects in the Pestrechinsky area12/10/2022Marat AyzatullinAs a whole, on the area planned work is conducted, but is where grow. Reserves in the Pestrechinsky area are available, it is necessary to conduct work on increase of business activity of the population8/16/2023Marat ZyabbarovWorks on repair are complete in the Zelenodolsk the municipal area. Closed the program of capital repairs of apartment houses with delivery of objects in the Pestrechinsky areaWorks on repair are complete in the Zelenodolsk the municipal area. Closed the program of capital repairs of apartment houses with delivery of objects in the Pestrechinsky area12/10/2022Marat Ayzatullin12141Region News+31 last weekHead since 2018Ilkham Kashapov0Media ScoreHead since 2018Ilkham Kashapov4:10:14 PMGMT+316RUS+7 84325Dialing code190Connections+38 last weekPopulation40 170NewsConnections Tree
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