Kamskoye Ustye district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowSabinsky and Baltasinsky areas, having the similar areas of an arable land with Kamsko-Ustyinsky, Bavly, Agryzsky and Yelabuga areas, have monetary revenue more, than these four areas together takenSabinsky and Baltasinsky areas, having the similar areas of an arable land with Kamsko-Ustyinsky, Bavly, Agryzsky and Yelabuga areas, have monetary revenue more, than these four areas together taken9/25/2019Rustam MinnikhanovSabinsky and Baltasinsky areas, having the similar areas of an arable land with Kamsko-Ustyinsky, Bavly, Agryzsky and Yelabuga areas, have monetary revenue more, than these four areas together taken9/26/2019Rustam MinnikhanovSabinsky and Baltasinsky areas, having the similar areas of an arable land with Kamsko-Ustyinsky, Bavly, Agryzsky and Yelabuga areas, have monetary revenue more, than these four areas together takenSabinsky and Baltasinsky areas, having the similar areas of an arable land with Kamsko-Ustyinsky, Bavly, Agryzsky and Yelabuga areas, have monetary revenue more, than these four areas together taken9/25/2019Rustam MinnikhanovSabinsky and Baltasinsky areas, having the similar areas of an arable land with Kamsko-Ustyinsky, Bavly, Agryzsky and Yelabuga areas, have monetary revenue more, than these four areas together taken9/26/2019Rustam MinnikhanovSabinsky and Baltasinsky areas, having the similar areas of an arable land with Kamsko-Ustyinsky, Bavly, Agryzsky and Yelabuga areas, have monetary revenue more, than these four areas together takenSabinsky and Baltasinsky areas, having the similar areas of an arable land with Kamsko-Ustyinsky, Bavly, Agryzsky and Yelabuga areas, have monetary revenue more, than these four areas together taken9/25/2019Rustam Minnikhanov1228Region News+17 last weekHead since 2019Nail VazykhovMedia Score: LowHead since 2019Nail Vazykhov11:24:08 AMGMT+316RUS+784377Dialing code283Connections+233 last weekPopulation14 945NewsConnections Tree
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