Buinsk district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreIn the Buinsky area lives nearly 10 thousand young people. Filling answers the most different inquiries of teenagers and youthIn the Buinsky area lives nearly 10 thousand young people. Filling answers the most different inquiries of teenagers and youth6/30/2023Ринат Наильевич Садыков1,4 million hectares, or 98% of the areas are threshed. It was necessary to clean 25 thousand hectares, from them 10 thousand hectares – a spring-sown field and 15 thousand hectares – a buckwheat. The greatest contribution Tetyushsky, Buinsky and Arsky areas brought everyone in a loaf of the republic – over 150 thousand tons9/5/2023Marat ZyabbarovIn the Buinsky area lives nearly 10 thousand young people. Filling answers the most different inquiries of teenagers and youthIn the Buinsky area lives nearly 10 thousand young people. Filling answers the most different inquiries of teenagers and youth6/30/2023Ринат Наильевич Садыков1,4 million hectares, or 98% of the areas are threshed. It was necessary to clean 25 thousand hectares, from them 10 thousand hectares – a spring-sown field and 15 thousand hectares – a buckwheat. The greatest contribution Tetyushsky, Buinsky and Arsky areas brought everyone in a loaf of the republic – over 150 thousand tons9/5/2023Marat ZyabbarovIn the Buinsky area lives nearly 10 thousand young people. Filling answers the most different inquiries of teenagers and youthIn the Buinsky area lives nearly 10 thousand young people. Filling answers the most different inquiries of teenagers and youth6/30/2023Ринат Наильевич Садыков1248Region News+16 last weekMayor since 2020Ranis Kamartdinov0Media ScoreMayor since 2020Ranis Kamartdinov6:45:10 PMGMT+316RUS+784374Dialing code132Connections+39 last weekPopulation42 341NewsConnections Tree
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