Alkeyevsky district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowBy the way, after pool opening in Market Matakakh the Alkeevsky area became the center of female water polo of the Republic of TatarstanBy the way, after pool opening in Market Matakakh the Alkeevsky area became the center of female water polo of the Republic of Tatarstan2/8/2019Irek ZinnurovWhile low indicators of acquisition of spare parts in Almetyevsk, Drozhzhanovsky, Cheremshansky, Verkhneuslonsky, Alkeevsky and Pestrechinsky areas2/9/2019Marat AkhmetovBy the way, after pool opening in Market Matakakh the Alkeevsky area became the center of female water polo of the Republic of TatarstanBy the way, after pool opening in Market Matakakh the Alkeevsky area became the center of female water polo of the Republic of Tatarstan2/8/2019Irek ZinnurovWhile low indicators of acquisition of spare parts in Almetyevsk, Drozhzhanovsky, Cheremshansky, Verkhneuslonsky, Alkeevsky and Pestrechinsky areas2/9/2019Marat AkhmetovBy the way, after pool opening in Market Matakakh the Alkeevsky area became the center of female water polo of the Republic of TatarstanBy the way, after pool opening in Market Matakakh the Alkeevsky area became the center of female water polo of the Republic of Tatarstan2/8/2019Irek Zinnurov1226Region News+5 last weekChairman since 2015Alexander Fedorovich NikoshinMedia Score: LowChairman since 2015Alexander Fedorovich Nikoshin1:49:56 PMGMT+316RUS+784346Dialing code87Connections+3 last weekPopulation18 863NewsConnections Tree
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