Agryz district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreAmong teenagers from 15 to 17 years growth of a similar disease is observed in 19 areas. The biggest changes it is had in Pestrechinskom, Menzelinsk, the Zelenodolsk, Chistopolsky and Agryzsky areasAmong teenagers from 15 to 17 years growth of a similar disease is observed in 19 areas. The biggest changes it is had in Pestrechinskom, Menzelinsk, the Zelenodolsk, Chistopolsky and Agryzsky areas2/2/2022Marina PatyashinaThis week three FAPA in the Agryzsky and Sarmanovsky areas, two — in Buinskom and one — in the Arsky area] were repaire5/6/2023Marat AyzatullinAmong teenagers from 15 to 17 years growth of a similar disease is observed in 19 areas. The biggest changes it is had in Pestrechinskom, Menzelinsk, the Zelenodolsk, Chistopolsky and Agryzsky areasAmong teenagers from 15 to 17 years growth of a similar disease is observed in 19 areas. The biggest changes it is had in Pestrechinskom, Menzelinsk, the Zelenodolsk, Chistopolsky and Agryzsky areas2/2/2022Marina PatyashinaThis week three FAPA in the Agryzsky and Sarmanovsky areas, two — in Buinskom and one — in the Arsky area] were repaire5/6/2023Marat AyzatullinAmong teenagers from 15 to 17 years growth of a similar disease is observed in 19 areas. The biggest changes it is had in Pestrechinskom, Menzelinsk, the Zelenodolsk, Chistopolsky and Agryzsky areasAmong teenagers from 15 to 17 years growth of a similar disease is observed in 19 areas. The biggest changes it is had in Pestrechinskom, Menzelinsk, the Zelenodolsk, Chistopolsky and Agryzsky areas2/2/2022Marina Patyashina1289Region News+28 last week0Media Score100years oldDate of establishment192410:08:59 PMGMT+316RUS+785551Dialing code120Connections+48 last weekPopulation35 081NewsConnections Tree
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