ulus Eveno-Bytantaysky Natsionalny Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowThe Eveno-Bytantaysky ulus has good indicators, including on a demography. It is one of the few regions of the Arctic where the number of the population is not reduced, and on the contrary increasesThe Eveno-Bytantaysky ulus has good indicators, including on a demography. It is one of the few regions of the Arctic where the number of the population is not reduced, and on the contrary increases6/18/2020Aysen NikolaevYesterday delivered potatoes over a ton to the village Kustur of the Eveno-Bytantaysky area. It is the first flight An-2 to Kustur for many years. Potatoes sale already began, 1 kilogram costs 102 rubles. Potatoes sell so that sufficed all inhabitants of the village8/6/2021Andrey TarasenkoThe Eveno-Bytantaysky ulus has good indicators, including on a demography. It is one of the few regions of the Arctic where the number of the population is not reduced, and on the contrary increasesThe Eveno-Bytantaysky ulus has good indicators, including on a demography. It is one of the few regions of the Arctic where the number of the population is not reduced, and on the contrary increases6/18/2020Aysen NikolaevYesterday delivered potatoes over a ton to the village Kustur of the Eveno-Bytantaysky area. It is the first flight An-2 to Kustur for many years. Potatoes sale already began, 1 kilogram costs 102 rubles. Potatoes sell so that sufficed all inhabitants of the village8/6/2021Andrey TarasenkoThe Eveno-Bytantaysky ulus has good indicators, including on a demography. It is one of the few regions of the Arctic where the number of the population is not reduced, and on the contrary increasesThe Eveno-Bytantaysky ulus has good indicators, including on a demography. It is one of the few regions of the Arctic where the number of the population is not reduced, and on the contrary increases6/18/2020Aysen Nikolaev1222Region News+7 last weekMedia Score: Low14RUS52Connections+18 last weekPopulationno dataNewsConnections Tree
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