Megino-Kangalassky ulus Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreWas glad to divide day of our national holiday Ysyakh with inhabitants of the Megino-Kangalassky ulus. Ulusny Ysyakh is devoted to Year of the teacher and the mentor in Russia, Year of work in Yakutia and to the 100 anniversary of sports movement of the republicWas glad to divide day of our national holiday Ysyakh with inhabitants of the Megino-Kangalassky ulus. Ulusny Ysyakh is devoted to Year of the teacher and the mentor in Russia, Year of work in Yakutia and to the 100 anniversary of sports movement of the republic6/21/2023Aysen NikolaevBuilders stopped working on the left coast from the city of Yakutsk. The platform to start works of the main stage is already ready. Completion of works on the right coast from the Megino-Kangalassky area in the village Haptagay is planned until the end of 20237/12/2023Kirill BychkovWas glad to divide day of our national holiday Ysyakh with inhabitants of the Megino-Kangalassky ulus. Ulusny Ysyakh is devoted to Year of the teacher and the mentor in Russia, Year of work in Yakutia and to the 100 anniversary of sports movement of the republicWas glad to divide day of our national holiday Ysyakh with inhabitants of the Megino-Kangalassky ulus. Ulusny Ysyakh is devoted to Year of the teacher and the mentor in Russia, Year of work in Yakutia and to the 100 anniversary of sports movement of the republic6/21/2023Aysen NikolaevBuilders stopped working on the left coast from the city of Yakutsk. The platform to start works of the main stage is already ready. Completion of works on the right coast from the Megino-Kangalassky area in the village Haptagay is planned until the end of 20237/12/2023Kirill BychkovWas glad to divide day of our national holiday Ysyakh with inhabitants of the Megino-Kangalassky ulus. Ulusny Ysyakh is devoted to Year of the teacher and the mentor in Russia, Year of work in Yakutia and to the 100 anniversary of sports movement of the republicWas glad to divide day of our national holiday Ysyakh with inhabitants of the Megino-Kangalassky ulus. Ulusny Ysyakh is devoted to Year of the teacher and the mentor in Russia, Year of work in Yakutia and to the 100 anniversary of sports movement of the republic6/21/2023Aysen Nikolaev12225Region News+34 last week0Media Score2:40:04 AMGMT+914RUS220Connections+32 last weekPopulation30 877NewsConnections Tree
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