ulus Aldansky Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreToday a major fire remained only in remote territories of the Ust-Maysky area and east part of the Aldan area, adjoining Khabarovsk territory. Fires do not threaten settlementsToday a major fire remained only in remote territories of the Ust-Maysky area and east part of the Aldan area, adjoining Khabarovsk territory. Fires do not threaten settlements8/12/2022Aysen NikolaevIt is pleasant that the company already now actively participates in social and economic development of the Aldan area3/28/2023Aysen NikolaevToday a major fire remained only in remote territories of the Ust-Maysky area and east part of the Aldan area, adjoining Khabarovsk territory. Fires do not threaten settlementsToday a major fire remained only in remote territories of the Ust-Maysky area and east part of the Aldan area, adjoining Khabarovsk territory. Fires do not threaten settlements8/12/2022Aysen NikolaevIt is pleasant that the company already now actively participates in social and economic development of the Aldan area3/28/2023Aysen NikolaevToday a major fire remained only in remote territories of the Ust-Maysky area and east part of the Aldan area, adjoining Khabarovsk territory. Fires do not threaten settlementsToday a major fire remained only in remote territories of the Ust-Maysky area and east part of the Aldan area, adjoining Khabarovsk territory. Fires do not threaten settlements8/12/2022Aysen Nikolaev12131Region News+30 last weekHead of administration since 2013Severine Nikolaevich Pozdnyakov0Media ScoreHead of administration since 2013Severine Nikolaevich Pozdnyakov11:11:14 PMGMT+914RUS148Connections+73 last weekPopulation39 858NewsConnections Tree
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