Belomorsk district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowI think that the embankment becomes a place of an attraction of inhabitants and tourists because Belomorsk and the Belomorsky area actively develop. I wish you success in implementation of this important project for the cityI think that the embankment becomes a place of an attraction of inhabitants and tourists because Belomorsk and the Belomorsky area actively develop. I wish you success in implementation of this important project for the city7/31/2023Elissan ShandalovichSince Monday we plan to start boiler rooms in Loukhsky, Kemsky and Kalevalsky areas. On Tuesday-Wednesday we will make the decision on start of boiler rooms in Belomorsk the area9/21/2023Victor RossypnovI think that the embankment becomes a place of an attraction of inhabitants and tourists because Belomorsk and the Belomorsky area actively develop. I wish you success in implementation of this important project for the cityI think that the embankment becomes a place of an attraction of inhabitants and tourists because Belomorsk and the Belomorsky area actively develop. I wish you success in implementation of this important project for the city7/31/2023Elissan ShandalovichSince Monday we plan to start boiler rooms in Loukhsky, Kemsky and Kalevalsky areas. On Tuesday-Wednesday we will make the decision on start of boiler rooms in Belomorsk the area9/21/2023Victor RossypnovI think that the embankment becomes a place of an attraction of inhabitants and tourists because Belomorsk and the Belomorsky area actively develop. I wish you success in implementation of this important project for the cityI think that the embankment becomes a place of an attraction of inhabitants and tourists because Belomorsk and the Belomorsky area actively develop. I wish you success in implementation of this important project for the city7/31/2023Elissan Shandalovich1229Region News+6 last weekHead of administration since 2018Aleksey UkhanovMedia Score: LowHead of administration since 2018Aleksey Ukhanov10:35:53 PMGMT+310RUS+71437Dialing code53Connections+19 last weekPopulation15 929NewsConnections Tree
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