Zelenchukskaya district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreThan most of all elderly people at the age of 90 years also is more senior live in Cherkessk – 306 people, on the second place the Ust-Dzhegutinsky area – 163 persons, on the third Zelenchuksky area - 142 personsThan most of all elderly people at the age of 90 years also is more senior live in Cherkessk – 306 people, on the second place the Ust-Dzhegutinsky area – 163 persons, on the third Zelenchuksky area - 142 persons10/4/2023Aslan OzovWe have to resolve this issue this week. I consider, as the government of the Republic and municipality of the Zelenchuksky area will shortly undertake the solution of this question11/7/2023Rashid TemrezovThan most of all elderly people at the age of 90 years also is more senior live in Cherkessk – 306 people, on the second place the Ust-Dzhegutinsky area – 163 persons, on the third Zelenchuksky area - 142 personsThan most of all elderly people at the age of 90 years also is more senior live in Cherkessk – 306 people, on the second place the Ust-Dzhegutinsky area – 163 persons, on the third Zelenchuksky area - 142 persons10/4/2023Aslan OzovWe have to resolve this issue this week. I consider, as the government of the Republic and municipality of the Zelenchuksky area will shortly undertake the solution of this question11/7/2023Rashid TemrezovThan most of all elderly people at the age of 90 years also is more senior live in Cherkessk – 306 people, on the second place the Ust-Dzhegutinsky area – 163 persons, on the third Zelenchuksky area - 142 personsThan most of all elderly people at the age of 90 years also is more senior live in Cherkessk – 306 people, on the second place the Ust-Dzhegutinsky area – 163 persons, on the third Zelenchuksky area - 142 persons10/4/2023Aslan Ozov1228Region News+8 last weekHead of administration since 2019Aleksey Nikolaevich Naumenko0Media ScoreHead of administration since 2019Aleksey Nikolaevich Naumenko1:31:09 PMGMT+39RUS+7 87878Dialing code58Connections+30 last weekPopulation48 339NewsConnections Tree
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