Terek district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreA certain work on national projects is done, but we should move forward, to realize wishes of inhabitants of the Tersky area, to resolve issues which they bring up regarding social construction, housing and communal servicesA certain work on national projects is done, but we should move forward, to realize wishes of inhabitants of the Tersky area, to resolve issues which they bring up regarding social construction, housing and communal services3/10/2023Kazbek KokovA certain work on national projects is done, but we should move forward, to realize wishes of inhabitants of the Tersky area, to resolve issues which they bring up regarding social construction, housing and communal services3/11/2023Kazbek KokovA certain work on national projects is done, but we should move forward, to realize wishes of inhabitants of the Tersky area, to resolve issues which they bring up regarding social construction, housing and communal servicesA certain work on national projects is done, but we should move forward, to realize wishes of inhabitants of the Tersky area, to resolve issues which they bring up regarding social construction, housing and communal services3/10/2023Kazbek KokovA certain work on national projects is done, but we should move forward, to realize wishes of inhabitants of the Tersky area, to resolve issues which they bring up regarding social construction, housing and communal services3/11/2023Kazbek KokovA certain work on national projects is done, but we should move forward, to realize wishes of inhabitants of the Tersky area, to resolve issues which they bring up regarding social construction, housing and communal servicesA certain work on national projects is done, but we should move forward, to realize wishes of inhabitants of the Tersky area, to resolve issues which they bring up regarding social construction, housing and communal services3/10/2023Kazbek Kokov1228Region News+5 last weekHead of administration since 2016Muaed Alievich Dadov0Media ScoreHead of administration since 2016Muaed Alievich Dadov104years oldDate of establishmentSeptember 1, 19214:12:36 AMGMT+37RUS+7 86632Dialing code46Connections+6 last weekPopulation50 802NewsConnections Tree
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