Sunzhensky district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowThe route of movement of participants will begin from the Assinsky gorge in the Sunzhensky area to the resort "Armkhi" in the Dzheyrakhsky areaThe route of movement of participants will begin from the Assinsky gorge in the Sunzhensky area to the resort "Armkhi" in the Dzheyrakhsky area9/22/2021Beslan MizievThe day before in the Sunzhensky area there was the scary tragedy which has carried away lives of seven people. Among them five members of one family - parents and three small children, and also two brothers. Indifferent to trouble is not present6/17/2023Makhmud-Ali KalimatovToday transferred 18 more documents of title to the land plots in Malgobeksky, Nazran and Sunzhensky areasToday transferred 18 more documents of title to the land plots in Malgobeksky, Nazran and Sunzhensky areas3/15/2023Makhmud-Ali KalimatovThe route of movement of participants will begin from the Assinsky gorge in the Sunzhensky area to the resort "Armkhi" in the Dzheyrakhsky areaThe route of movement of participants will begin from the Assinsky gorge in the Sunzhensky area to the resort "Armkhi" in the Dzheyrakhsky area9/22/2021Beslan MizievThe day before in the Sunzhensky area there was the scary tragedy which has carried away lives of seven people. Among them five members of one family - parents and three small children, and also two brothers. Indifferent to trouble is not present6/17/2023Makhmud-Ali KalimatovToday transferred 18 more documents of title to the land plots in Malgobeksky, Nazran and Sunzhensky areasToday transferred 18 more documents of title to the land plots in Malgobeksky, Nazran and Sunzhensky areas3/15/2023Makhmud-Ali KalimatovThe route of movement of participants will begin from the Assinsky gorge in the Sunzhensky area to the resort "Armkhi" in the Dzheyrakhsky areaThe route of movement of participants will begin from the Assinsky gorge in the Sunzhensky area to the resort "Armkhi" in the Dzheyrakhsky area9/22/2021Beslan Miziev12319Region News+5 last weekHead of administration since 2018Magomed Movlievich DzeytovMedia Score: LowHead of administration since 2018Magomed Movlievich Dzeytov1:28:13 PMGMT+36RUS+787341Dialing code86Connections+3 last weekPopulation60 595NewsConnections Tree
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