Ulagan district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreStone mushrooms — are in the Chulyshman River valley, in the Ulagansky region of Altai Republic. I never such sawStone mushrooms — are in the Chulyshman River valley, in the Ulagansky region of Altai Republic. I never such saw8/4/2020Julia BaranovskayaThe basis under sport center, on ours to estimations, will cost about 70 million rubles. Similar object build in the Ulagansky region of Altai Republic, according to the estimate it cost somewhere 67 million rubles8/18/2023Andrey Leonidovich VozhakovStone mushrooms — are in the Chulyshman River valley, in the Ulagansky region of Altai Republic. I never such sawStone mushrooms — are in the Chulyshman River valley, in the Ulagansky region of Altai Republic. I never such saw8/4/2020Julia BaranovskayaThe basis under sport center, on ours to estimations, will cost about 70 million rubles. Similar object build in the Ulagansky region of Altai Republic, according to the estimate it cost somewhere 67 million rubles8/18/2023Andrey Leonidovich VozhakovStone mushrooms — are in the Chulyshman River valley, in the Ulagansky region of Altai Republic. I never such sawStone mushrooms — are in the Chulyshman River valley, in the Ulagansky region of Altai Republic. I never such saw8/4/2020Julia Baranovskaya1257Region News+16 last week0Media Score102years oldDate of establishment192210:00:39 AMGMT+64RUS+738846Dialing code111Connections+27 last weekPopulation11 574NewsConnections Tree
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