Ongudai district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreThe decision to make experiment on installation of electroshepherds along federal and territorial highways was made. Today as the pilot the Ongudaysky area acted. About eight kilometers of lines of electroshepherds] are establisheThe decision to make experiment on installation of electroshepherds along federal and territorial highways was made. Today as the pilot the Ongudaysky area acted. About eight kilometers of lines of electroshepherds] are establishe8/21/2023Andrey TsygulevEarlier inhabitants of the Ongudaysky area for passing of KT needed to leave to Gorno-Altaisk. Now it can be made in district clinic12/1/2023Oleg Leonidovich KhorokhordinThe decision to make experiment on installation of electroshepherds along federal and territorial highways was made. Today as the pilot the Ongudaysky area acted. About eight kilometers of lines of electroshepherds] are establisheThe decision to make experiment on installation of electroshepherds along federal and territorial highways was made. Today as the pilot the Ongudaysky area acted. About eight kilometers of lines of electroshepherds] are establishe8/21/2023Andrey TsygulevEarlier inhabitants of the Ongudaysky area for passing of KT needed to leave to Gorno-Altaisk. Now it can be made in district clinic12/1/2023Oleg Leonidovich KhorokhordinThe decision to make experiment on installation of electroshepherds along federal and territorial highways was made. Today as the pilot the Ongudaysky area acted. About eight kilometers of lines of electroshepherds] are establisheThe decision to make experiment on installation of electroshepherds along federal and territorial highways was made. Today as the pilot the Ongudaysky area acted. About eight kilometers of lines of electroshepherds] are establishe8/21/2023Andrey Tsygulev1251Region News+7 last weekHead since 2018Andrey Aleksandrovich Munatov0Media ScoreHead since 2018Andrey Aleksandrovich Munatov4:51:02 PMGMT+74RUS+738845Dialing code68Connections+19 last weekPopulation14 312NewsConnections Tree
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