Yermekeevo district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreOpened in the Ermekeevsky area the next new medical assistant's and obstetric point from those 85 which we planned for this year. For locals this joyful eventOpened in the Ermekeevsky area the next new medical assistant's and obstetric point from those 85 which we planned for this year. For locals this joyful event6/24/2020Rady KhabirovThe volume of retails of alcoholic products per capita made 6,2 liters against 6 liters on the person for January — June, 2022. The minimum sales — in the Ermekeevsky area, maximum — in the Ufa area8/28/2023Aleksey Nikolaevich GusevOpened in the Ermekeevsky area the next new medical assistant's and obstetric point from those 85 which we planned for this year. For locals this joyful eventOpened in the Ermekeevsky area the next new medical assistant's and obstetric point from those 85 which we planned for this year. For locals this joyful event6/24/2020Rady KhabirovThe volume of retails of alcoholic products per capita made 6,2 liters against 6 liters on the person for January — June, 2022. The minimum sales — in the Ermekeevsky area, maximum — in the Ufa area8/28/2023Aleksey Nikolaevich GusevOpened in the Ermekeevsky area the next new medical assistant's and obstetric point from those 85 which we planned for this year. For locals this joyful eventOpened in the Ermekeevsky area the next new medical assistant's and obstetric point from those 85 which we planned for this year. For locals this joyful event6/24/2020Rady Khabirov1225Region News+10 last weekHead of administration since 2015Ilshat Raymanov0Media ScoreHead of administration since 2015Ilshat Raymanov9:34:49 PMGMT+52RUS+734741Dialing code75Connections+29 last weekPopulation15 737NewsConnections Tree
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