Arhangelskoe district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreIn Arkhangelsk the area the roof of a recreation center flows. It big, good. Immediately to allocate money for design, there, as far as I know, the sum small, and to think over a question. The Arkhangelsk regional recreation center, differently we will lose a recreation centerIn Arkhangelsk the area the roof of a recreation center flows. It big, good. Immediately to allocate money for design, there, as far as I know, the sum small, and to think over a question. The Arkhangelsk regional recreation center, differently we will lose a recreation center8/7/2023Rady KhabirovSomething should be done with it. Everywhere, where there is a sand production – the Karmaskalinsky area, the Arkhangelsk area, Iglinsky, Ufa – put on the main routes (station of weight control – an editor's note). Let's catch and fine8/16/2023Rady KhabirovIn Arkhangelsk the area the roof of a recreation center flows. It big, good. Immediately to allocate money for design, there, as far as I know, the sum small, and to think over a question. The Arkhangelsk regional recreation center, differently we will lose a recreation centerIn Arkhangelsk the area the roof of a recreation center flows. It big, good. Immediately to allocate money for design, there, as far as I know, the sum small, and to think over a question. The Arkhangelsk regional recreation center, differently we will lose a recreation center8/7/2023Rady KhabirovSomething should be done with it. Everywhere, where there is a sand production – the Karmaskalinsky area, the Arkhangelsk area, Iglinsky, Ufa – put on the main routes (station of weight control – an editor's note). Let's catch and fine8/16/2023Rady KhabirovIn Arkhangelsk the area the roof of a recreation center flows. It big, good. Immediately to allocate money for design, there, as far as I know, the sum small, and to think over a question. The Arkhangelsk regional recreation center, differently we will lose a recreation centerIn Arkhangelsk the area the roof of a recreation center flows. It big, good. Immediately to allocate money for design, there, as far as I know, the sum small, and to think over a question. The Arkhangelsk regional recreation center, differently we will lose a recreation center8/7/2023Rady Khabirov1238Region News+11 last weekHead of administration since 2019Ilshat Aminev0Media ScoreHead of administration since 2019Ilshat Aminev7:40:56 AMGMT+52RUS+734774Dialing code92Connections+47 last weekPopulation17 630NewsConnections Tree
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