Tselinny district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowIn Gorodovikovsky, Lagansky and Virgin areas to doctors will pay 1 million rubles, and to paramedics, obstetricians, nurses of FAP – 500 thousand rubles. In other areas of the republic of payment will make 1,5 million and 750 thousand respectivelyIn Gorodovikovsky, Lagansky and Virgin areas to doctors will pay 1 million rubles, and to paramedics, obstetricians, nurses of FAP – 500 thousand rubles. In other areas of the republic of payment will make 1,5 million and 750 thousand respectively2/16/2021Batu KhasikovIn Kalmykia building of object of the address in the Virgin area in 2023 with the composting line is planned. Power of object of processing — 100 thousand tons a year, utilization — 30 thousand tons. Total investment will make 0,95 billion rubles9/22/2022Denise Petrovich ButsaevIn Gorodovikovsky, Lagansky and Virgin areas to doctors will pay 1 million rubles, and to paramedics, obstetricians, nurses of FAP – 500 thousand rubles. In other areas of the republic of payment will make 1,5 million and 750 thousand respectivelyIn Gorodovikovsky, Lagansky and Virgin areas to doctors will pay 1 million rubles, and to paramedics, obstetricians, nurses of FAP – 500 thousand rubles. In other areas of the republic of payment will make 1,5 million and 750 thousand respectively2/16/2021Batu KhasikovIn Kalmykia building of object of the address in the Virgin area in 2023 with the composting line is planned. Power of object of processing — 100 thousand tons a year, utilization — 30 thousand tons. Total investment will make 0,95 billion rubles9/22/2022Denise Petrovich ButsaevIn Gorodovikovsky, Lagansky and Virgin areas to doctors will pay 1 million rubles, and to paramedics, obstetricians, nurses of FAP – 500 thousand rubles. In other areas of the republic of payment will make 1,5 million and 750 thousand respectivelyIn Gorodovikovsky, Lagansky and Virgin areas to doctors will pay 1 million rubles, and to paramedics, obstetricians, nurses of FAP – 500 thousand rubles. In other areas of the republic of payment will make 1,5 million and 750 thousand respectively2/16/2021Batu Khasikov1216Region News+4 last weekHead since 2019Erdni Alekseevich OpievMedia Score: LowHead since 2019Erdni Alekseevich Opiev86years oldDate of establishmentJanuary 24, 19386:50:14 PMGMT+38RUS+784742Dialing code41Connections+2 last weekPopulation20 430NewsConnections Tree
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