Botlih district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowThe republican operational headquarters coordinate works on elimination of consequences of bad weather. Rescuers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations work in the Botlikh, Shamilsky, Tsumadinsky and Tsuntinsky areas. Besides, on places recovery work is carried out by power engineering specialists and road buildersThe republican operational headquarters coordinate works on elimination of consequences of bad weather. Rescuers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations work in the Botlikh, Shamilsky, Tsumadinsky and Tsuntinsky areas. Besides, on places recovery work is carried out by power engineering specialists and road builders9/25/2021Sergei MelikovAccording to the investigation, in August, 1999 the specified persons took part in armed attack on settlements of the Botlikh area of the Republic of Dagestan12/27/2021Svetlana PetrenkoThe republican operational headquarters coordinate works on elimination of consequences of bad weather. Rescuers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations work in the Botlikh, Shamilsky, Tsumadinsky and Tsuntinsky areas. Besides, on places recovery work is carried out by power engineering specialists and road buildersThe republican operational headquarters coordinate works on elimination of consequences of bad weather. Rescuers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations work in the Botlikh, Shamilsky, Tsumadinsky and Tsuntinsky areas. Besides, on places recovery work is carried out by power engineering specialists and road builders9/25/2021Sergei MelikovAccording to the investigation, in August, 1999 the specified persons took part in armed attack on settlements of the Botlikh area of the Republic of Dagestan12/27/2021Svetlana PetrenkoThe republican operational headquarters coordinate works on elimination of consequences of bad weather. Rescuers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations work in the Botlikh, Shamilsky, Tsumadinsky and Tsuntinsky areas. Besides, on places recovery work is carried out by power engineering specialists and road buildersThe republican operational headquarters coordinate works on elimination of consequences of bad weather. Rescuers of the Ministry of Emergency Situations work in the Botlikh, Shamilsky, Tsumadinsky and Tsuntinsky areas. Besides, on places recovery work is carried out by power engineering specialists and road builders9/25/2021Sergei Melikov1225Region News+0 last weekHead of the district since 2020Ruslan GamzatovMedia Score: LowHead of the district since 2020Ruslan Gamzatov8:54:48 AMGMT+35RUS+787271Dialing code111Connections+0 last weekPopulation59 757NewsConnections Tree
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LawВ селе Ботлих проведена крупномасштабная антинаркотическая акция «Молодёжь Ботлихского района против наркотиков!»12/20/2024PeopleCompaniesGeography1 minSocial policyПо результатам личного приема прокурора Республики Дагестан Виктора Эппа защищены права ребенка, страдающего тяжелым заболеванием12/19/2024PeopleCompaniesGeography31 secAccidentsВ Дагестане из-за непогоды закрыты горные дороги12/18/2024Geography13 secSecurityПрофилактическая встреча с персоналом детского игрового клуба12/18/2024GeographyCompanies51 secHousing and Utility Sector12 трансформаторных подстанций и 161 опору ЛЭП отремонтировали в Ботлихском районе12/17/2024MediaGeography22 secNorth Caucasian Federal District«Россети Северный Кавказ» повысили надежность электроснабжения более 80 тыс. жителей Ботлихского района ДагестанаMK.RU Stavropol (Caucasus)12/17/2024CompaniesGeography23 sec
Trending TechnologiesMost discussed today80Jeep WranglerRating: 5Mention frequency5ConnectionsTechnologies36Organizations17Places9Events7People6
Wrestling & Combat SportsБолее 200 борцов выступили на всероссийском турнире в Махачкале12/16/2024GeographyPeople25 secHousing and Utility SectorСнегопад и сильный ветер оставили без света более 50 тыс. жителей ДагестанаREGNUM12/14/2024ProductsGeographyMediaCompanies1.1 minSocial policyОросительный канал отремонтировали в селе, названного в честь НурмагомедоваAIF-Dagestan12/13/2024PeopleMediaCompaniesGeography33 secNorth Caucasian Federal DistrictВ Дагестане за 11 месяцев 2024 года выявили 173 случая заболевания бруцеллезом среди людей12/13/2024Geography43 secNorth Caucasian Federal DistrictТеатр «Восток-Запад» завершил гастроли спектакля «Дагестан 1999»12/12/2024CompaniesGeography20 secSocial policyНовый сквер с бассейном открыли в горном селе ДагестанаAIF-Dagestan12/11/2024MediaGeographyPeople31 sec