Kansk district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowThis year rescue and fire fighting divisions already left more than 900 times on the fires which have arisen because of floors of a dry grass. A large number of ignitions is recorded in Emelyanovskom, Sharypovsk and Kansk areas, and also in the city of KrasnoyarskThis year rescue and fire fighting divisions already left more than 900 times on the fires which have arisen because of floors of a dry grass. A large number of ignitions is recorded in Emelyanovskom, Sharypovsk and Kansk areas, and also in the city of Krasnoyarsk4/25/2020Igor Nikolaevich LisinThe Kuraginsky, Kansk area, the city of Kansk, the Balakhtinsky area - is certain fears on water level increase4/12/2021Igor Nikolaevich LisinThis year rescue and fire fighting divisions already left more than 900 times on the fires which have arisen because of floors of a dry grass. A large number of ignitions is recorded in Emelyanovskom, Sharypovsk and Kansk areas, and also in the city of KrasnoyarskThis year rescue and fire fighting divisions already left more than 900 times on the fires which have arisen because of floors of a dry grass. A large number of ignitions is recorded in Emelyanovskom, Sharypovsk and Kansk areas, and also in the city of Krasnoyarsk4/25/2020Igor Nikolaevich LisinThe Kuraginsky, Kansk area, the city of Kansk, the Balakhtinsky area - is certain fears on water level increase4/12/2021Igor Nikolaevich LisinThis year rescue and fire fighting divisions already left more than 900 times on the fires which have arisen because of floors of a dry grass. A large number of ignitions is recorded in Emelyanovskom, Sharypovsk and Kansk areas, and also in the city of KrasnoyarskThis year rescue and fire fighting divisions already left more than 900 times on the fires which have arisen because of floors of a dry grass. A large number of ignitions is recorded in Emelyanovskom, Sharypovsk and Kansk areas, and also in the city of Krasnoyarsk4/25/2020Igor Nikolaevich Lisin1257Region News+15 last weekHead since 2016Alexander Anastasyevich ZarutskyMedia Score: LowHead since 2016Alexander Anastasyevich Zarutsky7:00:48 PMGMT+724RUS+7 39161Dialing code115Connections+40 last weekPopulation24 898NewsConnections Tree
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