Kholm Novgorod region, Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreTo Igor Masur allowed the Ukrainian consul. Circumstances of detention are investigated. On Monday, November 11, in Holm's city the issue of the conclusion of our colleague under guards for the purpose of an extradition to Russia] will be resolveTo Igor Masur allowed the Ukrainian consul. Circumstances of detention are investigated. On Monday, November 11, in Holm's city the issue of the conclusion of our colleague under guards for the purpose of an extradition to Russia] will be resolve11/9/2019Ludmila DenisovaHere 3,5 thousand soldiers, it, in fact, Holm's one more city. Many thanks to all to those who for decades established names, found these soldiers9/18/2020Andrey NikitinTo Igor Masur allowed the Ukrainian consul. Circumstances of detention are investigated. On Monday, November 11, in Holm's city the issue of the conclusion of our colleague under guards for the purpose of an extradition to Russia] will be resolveTo Igor Masur allowed the Ukrainian consul. Circumstances of detention are investigated. On Monday, November 11, in Holm's city the issue of the conclusion of our colleague under guards for the purpose of an extradition to Russia] will be resolve11/9/2019Ludmila DenisovaHere 3,5 thousand soldiers, it, in fact, Holm's one more city. Many thanks to all to those who for decades established names, found these soldiers9/18/2020Andrey NikitinTo Igor Masur allowed the Ukrainian consul. Circumstances of detention are investigated. On Monday, November 11, in Holm's city the issue of the conclusion of our colleague under guards for the purpose of an extradition to Russia] will be resolveTo Igor Masur allowed the Ukrainian consul. Circumstances of detention are investigated. On Monday, November 11, in Holm's city the issue of the conclusion of our colleague under guards for the purpose of an extradition to Russia] will be resolve11/9/2019Ludmila Denisova125Region News+3 last weekHead of the area since 2010Vitaly Ilyich Salyaev0Media ScoreHead of the area since 2010Vitaly Ilyich Salyaev19years oldDate of establishmentJanuary 1, 20054:50:29 AMGMT+353RUS781654Dialing code9Connections+8 last weekPopulation3 445NewsConnections Tree
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