Valdaysky district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreThe future of our region — is our children. Today we know that such future in the Valdai area is guaranteedThe future of our region — is our children. Today we know that such future in the Valdai area is guaranteed6/27/2018Andrey NikitinArchitects considered all wishes and requests of inhabitants of the Valdai area. I thank all who stood at the origins of transformation of the embankment. They enclosed such love to our earth that now simply have the right to love Valdai! 7/30/2020Youri StadeThe future of our region — is our children. Today we know that such future in the Valdai area is guaranteedThe future of our region — is our children. Today we know that such future in the Valdai area is guaranteed6/27/2018Andrey NikitinArchitects considered all wishes and requests of inhabitants of the Valdai area. I thank all who stood at the origins of transformation of the embankment. They enclosed such love to our earth that now simply have the right to love Valdai! 7/30/2020Youri StadeThe future of our region — is our children. Today we know that such future in the Valdai area is guaranteedThe future of our region — is our children. Today we know that such future in the Valdai area is guaranteed6/27/2018Andrey Nikitin1251Region News+17 last weekHead of the district since 2015Youri Stade0Media ScoreHead of the district since 2015Youri Stade11:17:58 PMGMT+353RUS+7 81666Dialing code161Connections+130 last weekPopulation23 122NewsConnections Tree
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