Sharoysky district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowI communicated to locals, visited settlements. Thanked Musa Dadayev for the operational solution of an objective. It is sure that very soon the Sharoysky area becomes the favourite vacation spot of the Russian and foreign tourists!I communicated to locals, visited settlements. Thanked Musa Dadayev for the operational solution of an objective. It is sure that very soon the Sharoysky area becomes the favourite vacation spot of the Russian and foreign tourists!8/18/2016Ramzan KadyrovThe Hakmadoyevsky mosque is recognized as a monument of architecture of the XIX century. It is located in the Sharoysky area, in east part of the huge cape which is formed by small small rivers Hakmadoy-akhk and Melchikhi which are the right inflows of Sharo-Argun2/12/2021Khozh-Baudi DaaevI communicated to locals, visited settlements. Thanked Musa Dadayev for the operational solution of an objective. It is sure that very soon the Sharoysky area becomes the favourite vacation spot of the Russian and foreign tourists!I communicated to locals, visited settlements. Thanked Musa Dadayev for the operational solution of an objective. It is sure that very soon the Sharoysky area becomes the favourite vacation spot of the Russian and foreign tourists!8/18/2016Ramzan KadyrovThe Hakmadoyevsky mosque is recognized as a monument of architecture of the XIX century. It is located in the Sharoysky area, in east part of the huge cape which is formed by small small rivers Hakmadoy-akhk and Melchikhi which are the right inflows of Sharo-Argun2/12/2021Khozh-Baudi DaaevI communicated to locals, visited settlements. Thanked Musa Dadayev for the operational solution of an objective. It is sure that very soon the Sharoysky area becomes the favourite vacation spot of the Russian and foreign tourists!I communicated to locals, visited settlements. Thanked Musa Dadayev for the operational solution of an objective. It is sure that very soon the Sharoysky area becomes the favourite vacation spot of the Russian and foreign tourists!8/18/2016Ramzan Kadyrov1210Region News+1 last weekHead of administration since 2016Ramazan MagomedovMedia Score: LowHead of administration since 2016Ramazan Magomedov11:06:37 PMGMT+320RUS+7 8712Dialing code36Connections+3 last weekPopulation3 203NewsConnections Tree
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