Shali Chechen Republic, Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowI am sincerely grateful to dear brothers - the head of a staff on reconstruction of the city of the Shawl, the chairman of Audit Chamber Iza Tumjadzhievu, the head of administration of the Shalinsky area Turpal-Ali Ibragimov and all builders. They worked wonderfully well!I am sincerely grateful to dear brothers - the head of a staff on reconstruction of the city of the Shawl, the chairman of Audit Chamber Iza Tumjadzhievu, the head of administration of the Shalinsky area Turpal-Ali Ibragimov and all builders. They worked wonderfully well!4/8/2018Ramzan KadyrovAlso within the visit dear guest visited a fine mosque in the Shawl city "Pride of Muslims" of a name of the Prophet Mahomed7/16/2022Ramzan KadyrovMessages on that it there was a series of attacks, are not true. It was one group in the Shawl city, onlyMessages on that it there was a series of attacks, are not true. It was one group in the Shawl city, only8/20/2018Alvi KarimovI am sincerely grateful to dear brothers - the head of a staff on reconstruction of the city of the Shawl, the chairman of Audit Chamber Iza Tumjadzhievu, the head of administration of the Shalinsky area Turpal-Ali Ibragimov and all builders. They worked wonderfully well!I am sincerely grateful to dear brothers - the head of a staff on reconstruction of the city of the Shawl, the chairman of Audit Chamber Iza Tumjadzhievu, the head of administration of the Shalinsky area Turpal-Ali Ibragimov and all builders. They worked wonderfully well!4/8/2018Ramzan KadyrovAlso within the visit dear guest visited a fine mosque in the Shawl city "Pride of Muslims" of a name of the Prophet Mahomed7/16/2022Ramzan KadyrovMessages on that it there was a series of attacks, are not true. It was one group in the Shawl city, onlyMessages on that it there was a series of attacks, are not true. It was one group in the Shawl city, only8/20/2018Alvi KarimovI am sincerely grateful to dear brothers - the head of a staff on reconstruction of the city of the Shawl, the chairman of Audit Chamber Iza Tumjadzhievu, the head of administration of the Shalinsky area Turpal-Ali Ibragimov and all builders. They worked wonderfully well!I am sincerely grateful to dear brothers - the head of a staff on reconstruction of the city of the Shawl, the chairman of Audit Chamber Iza Tumjadzhievu, the head of administration of the Shalinsky area Turpal-Ali Ibragimov and all builders. They worked wonderfully well!4/8/2018Ramzan Kadyrov12335Region News+5 last weekMayor since 2018Ali SaidovMedia Score: LowMayor since 2018Ali Saidov34years oldDate of establishmentJanuary 1, 19904:57:00 PMGMT+320RUS+787146Dialing code26Connections+11 last weekPopulation55 118NewsConnections Tree
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