Urus-Martan district Country: Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekRegion News0+0 last weekWatchShareMedia Score: LowIn the Urus-Martanovsky area the woman aged recovered nearly hundred years and was written out after koronavirusaIn the Urus-Martanovsky area the woman aged recovered nearly hundred years and was written out after koronavirusa6/1/2020Ramzan KadyrovRecently actively Achkhoy-Martanovsky and Urus-Martanovsky areas of the republic where interesting objects in rural areas, including horse clubs and small recreation facilities are planned] started being connecte11/28/2021Muslim BaytazievI talked to doctors, they say that the age any more does not matter as well with accompanying diseases people recover. In the Urus-Martanovsky area the woman aged recovered nearly hundred years and was written out after this illnessI talked to doctors, they say that the age any more does not matter as well with accompanying diseases people recover. In the Urus-Martanovsky area the woman aged recovered nearly hundred years and was written out after this illness6/1/2020Ramzan KadyrovIn the Urus-Martanovsky area the woman aged recovered nearly hundred years and was written out after koronavirusaIn the Urus-Martanovsky area the woman aged recovered nearly hundred years and was written out after koronavirusa6/1/2020Ramzan KadyrovRecently actively Achkhoy-Martanovsky and Urus-Martanovsky areas of the republic where interesting objects in rural areas, including horse clubs and small recreation facilities are planned] started being connecte11/28/2021Muslim BaytazievI talked to doctors, they say that the age any more does not matter as well with accompanying diseases people recover. In the Urus-Martanovsky area the woman aged recovered nearly hundred years and was written out after this illnessI talked to doctors, they say that the age any more does not matter as well with accompanying diseases people recover. In the Urus-Martanovsky area the woman aged recovered nearly hundred years and was written out after this illness6/1/2020Ramzan KadyrovIn the Urus-Martanovsky area the woman aged recovered nearly hundred years and was written out after koronavirusaIn the Urus-Martanovsky area the woman aged recovered nearly hundred years and was written out after koronavirusa6/1/2020Ramzan Kadyrov12369Region News+4 last weekHead of administration since 2016Walid AbdureshidovMedia Score: LowHead of administration since 2016Walid Abdureshidov2:00:47 PMGMT+320RUS+87145Dialing code111Connections+16 last weekPopulation159 734NewsConnections Tree
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