JSC Alfa-Bank Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekCompany-related news0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreWe are glad to provide preferential terms to clients of Alfa Bank. So even more businessmen will be able to save on maintaining accounts department and to automate the majority of routine operations. Alfa Bank — the reliable partner both for us, and for clientsWe are glad to provide preferential terms to clients of Alfa Bank. So even more businessmen will be able to save on maintaining accounts department and to automate the majority of routine operations. Alfa Bank — the reliable partner both for us, and for clients9/25/2017Bankir.ruThe Bosco group of companies is aimed at development of production base in Russia. The project will allow to deliver qualitative clothes of a domestic production on the Russian market and to reduce dependence of Russia on import production9/14/2018NEW RETAILWe are glad to provide preferential terms to clients of Alfa Bank. So even more businessmen will be able to save on maintaining accounts department and to automate the majority of routine operations. Alfa Bank — the reliable partner both for us, and for clientsWe are glad to provide preferential terms to clients of Alfa Bank. So even more businessmen will be able to save on maintaining accounts department and to automate the majority of routine operations. Alfa Bank — the reliable partner both for us, and for clients9/25/2017Bankir.ruThe Bosco group of companies is aimed at development of production base in Russia. The project will allow to deliver qualitative clothes of a domestic production on the Russian market and to reduce dependence of Russia on import production9/14/2018NEW RETAILWe are glad to provide preferential terms to clients of Alfa Bank. So even more businessmen will be able to save on maintaining accounts department and to automate the majority of routine operations. Alfa Bank — the reliable partner both for us, and for clientsWe are glad to provide preferential terms to clients of Alfa Bank. So even more businessmen will be able to save on maintaining accounts department and to automate the majority of routine operations. Alfa Bank — the reliable partner both for us, and for clients9/25/2017Bankir.ru12902Company-related news+217 last weekChairman of the board Andrey Borisovich Sokolov0Media Score250Rank positionChairman of the board Andrey Borisovich SokolovCountryRussian Federation1,893Connections+870 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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