SC Vnesheconombank Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekCompany-related news0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreWe continue work on a "old" portfolio which directly influences our result. The reporting for the first half of the year on IFRS shows a loss. Most likely, for group the financial result will be negative still any timeWe continue work on a "old" portfolio which directly influences our result. The reporting for the first half of the year on IFRS shows a loss. Most likely, for group the financial result will be negative still any time8/24/2018Banki.ruExcept VEB while there are no direct forms of the state participation in similar projects. Only unless to make state company which will build pulp and paper mill on budget money, but it already other history9/18/2018Krasnoyarsk city siteWe continue work on a "old" portfolio which directly influences our result. The reporting for the first half of the year on IFRS shows a loss. Most likely, for group the financial result will be negative still any timeWe continue work on a "old" portfolio which directly influences our result. The reporting for the first half of the year on IFRS shows a loss. Most likely, for group the financial result will be negative still any time8/24/2018Banki.ruExcept VEB while there are no direct forms of the state participation in similar projects. Only unless to make state company which will build pulp and paper mill on budget money, but it already other history9/18/2018Krasnoyarsk city siteWe continue work on a "old" portfolio which directly influences our result. The reporting for the first half of the year on IFRS shows a loss. Most likely, for group the financial result will be negative still any timeWe continue work on a "old" portfolio which directly influences our result. The reporting for the first half of the year on IFRS shows a loss. Most likely, for group the financial result will be negative still any time8/24/2018Banki.ru12753Company-related news+170 last weekChairmanIgor Shuvalov0Media ScoreChairmanIgor ShuvalovCountryRussian Federation1,764Connections+899 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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