JOINT-STOCK COMPANY "MASH" Russian FederationViews0+0 last weekSubscribers0+0 last weekCompany-related news0+0 last weekWatchShare0Media ScoreThe international airport Sheremetyevo put into operation point of management of ensuring transport safety of the Northern terminal complex - terminals B, CThe international airport Sheremetyevo put into operation point of management of ensuring transport safety of the Northern terminal complex - terminals B, C2/13/2019Agency of city news "Moscow"Within criminal case molecular and genetic examinations of bodies of 40 victims are complete, all of them are identified. Work on identification of one more victim — the citizen of the USA, will be complete soon5/13/2019Interfax TourismPersonally I understood it (that the plane had problems — IF) when on take-off we rose to clouds and, probably, entered the storm front because I sat near a window and physically saw that in the right engine two times were struck by a lightningPersonally I understood it (that the plane had problems — IF) when on take-off we rose to clouds and, probably, entered the storm front because I sat near a window and physically saw that in the right engine two times were struck by a lightning5/6/2019Interfax TourismThe international airport Sheremetyevo put into operation point of management of ensuring transport safety of the Northern terminal complex - terminals B, CThe international airport Sheremetyevo put into operation point of management of ensuring transport safety of the Northern terminal complex - terminals B, C2/13/2019Agency of city news "Moscow"Within criminal case molecular and genetic examinations of bodies of 40 victims are complete, all of them are identified. Work on identification of one more victim — the citizen of the USA, will be complete soon5/13/2019Interfax TourismPersonally I understood it (that the plane had problems — IF) when on take-off we rose to clouds and, probably, entered the storm front because I sat near a window and physically saw that in the right engine two times were struck by a lightningPersonally I understood it (that the plane had problems — IF) when on take-off we rose to clouds and, probably, entered the storm front because I sat near a window and physically saw that in the right engine two times were struck by a lightning5/6/2019Interfax TourismThe international airport Sheremetyevo put into operation point of management of ensuring transport safety of the Northern terminal complex - terminals B, CThe international airport Sheremetyevo put into operation point of management of ensuring transport safety of the Northern terminal complex - terminals B, C2/13/2019Agency of city news "Moscow"123703Company-related news+122 last weekDirector generalMikhail Mikhaylovich Vasilenko0Media ScoreDirector generalMikhail Mikhaylovich VasilenkoCountryRussian Federation959Connections+315 last weekNewsConnections Tree
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