Денис Калинкин встретился с главами администраций Лисичанска и Рубежного

Эдуард Сахненко и Сергей Хортив изучили опыт Казани в вопросах городского хозяйства, землепользования и общественного...
Eugenie Varakin
Last position: Prefect (Municipal state institution "Prefecture "Stary gorod")
Ildar Shakirov
Last position: Deputy head (Executive committee of the municipal entity of the Kazan city)
Iskander Giniyatullin
Last position: Deputy head (Executive committee of the municipal entity of the Kazan city)
Radik Shafigullin
Last position: The deputy head on financial and property questions (Executive committee of the municipal entity of the Kazan city)
Igor Salyakhutdinov
Last position: Chairman (Municipal state institution "Committee vneshnego blagoustroystva goroda Kazani")