Not the simply souvenir: why even the local should glance in shop with a big bird of happiness on Chumbarovka

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There are gifts from 20 rubles to 145 thousand, from a cranberry in sugar to northern make look slender the Bird of Happiness Shop draws attention from far away. It is on the main pedestrian street Arkhangelsk — Chumbarova-Luchinsky, the house 29. On an entrance — art object in the form of the northern shchepny birdie who has become a symbol of Pomorze. Not for nothing with it so like to be photographed for memory and locals, and city visitors. But you should not stop on a threshold — inside too a lot of interesting. Why to glance in shop owes everyone, especially in anticipation of New Year 2017 — told in it material. On shelves of shop — more than 4500...