A trend from TikTok (resurs narushaet zakon RF) it is powerful otrusifitsiroval the western pop culture

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In TikTok (resurs narushaet zakon RF) zavirusilsya a track of the Russian singer Catherina Lel "My marmeladny" under which girls from all over the world put on and do a make-up a la ryus: furs, caps with ear-flaps, rosy cheeks, as if just from a frost. This excess reminder: The West cannot cancel Russians. Decided to punish Russian Federation the leaving the western TikTok (resurs narushaet zakon RF) is blown up all over the world by a tsunami of the girls who are suspiciously similar to Russians. Sometimes it is beauties in fur caps with ear-flaps moreover with muftochka to heat hands, with the Russian bright make-up of eyes, cheeks and lips, – with this victorious feminity which, at last, ceased...