In Moscow the festival" Vladimir Teodorovich Spivakov came to the end invites"

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For gala concert of the maestro chose opera music – arias and fragments from Verdi, Puccini, Bellini's works. The Moscow musical festival" Vladimir Teodorovich Spivakov invites" came to the end. In a final concert with the maestro and his orchestra acted Khibla Gerzmava. At evening visited Arlt Dzhennet. The meeting place of the colleagues, friends musicians – was conceived by the nominal festival Vladimir Teodorovich Spivakov so more than 20 years ago. For public – opportunity to hear the most different performers in a tandem with the maestro. On a plan festival concerts have to be not routine, but by all means focused on...
Vladimir Teodorovich Spivakov
Last position: Artistic director, chief conductor (NFOR)
Catherina Mechetina
Last position: Soloist (MGAF)
Khibla Gerzmava
Last position: Opera singer (State budget cultural institution of the Moscow city "MAMT")
Igor Aleksandrovich Golovatenko
Last position: Opera singer, leading soloist (Bolshoi theater Russia)
Morozova Catherina