The national team Finland lost Sweden, Czech Republic an overtime won against Switzerland Evrotur's matches

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The national team Sweden won team Finland in the second match of the second stage of Evrokhokkeytur to Switzerland — 3:2. At winners hammered Vingerli Andreas, Jacob De la Rose and Malta Stremvall. At Finns caused a stir Okhtamaa Atta and Lauri Payuniyemi. The national team Czech Republic in an overtime won against Switzerland — 3:2. For Czechs goals were scored by Yaqub Rykhlovski, David Tomashek and Mijal Kempni, caused a stir in an overtime. At Swisses Tyler Moy and Tristan Shervey caused a stir. In the following match of tournament Finland will play with Switzerland on December 17, in Sweden on the same day — with Czech Republic. Evrokhokkeytur. The Swiss games Finland —...