American daily business newspaper "The Wall Street Journal" reported about negotiations of the head of "Mossad" and the prime minister Qatar on hostages

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American daily business newspaper "The Wall Street Journal" reported about negotiations of the head of "Mossad" and the prime minister Qatar on hostages For today, on December 16, to Oslo the meeting of the prime minister Qatar Mohammed bin Rakhman Abdel Tatyana al and heads of the Israeli intelligence service "Mossad" Barnea Davide was planned. The purpose of a meeting is attempt to resume negotiations on release of the Israeli hostages withheld in the Gaza Strip, in exchange for ceasefire and release of the Palestinian prisoners, reports American daily business newspaper "The Wall Street Journal" (American daily business newspaper "The Wall Street Journal") with the reference sources. Interlocutors of American daily business newspaper "The Wall Street Journal" called the planned negotiations between the prime minister Qatar and...
Benjamin Netanyahu
Main activity:Politician
Rakhman Abdel
Tatyana al
Barnea Davide
Political ideology:Islamism, Palestinian nationalism.
Political ideology:Palestinian nationalism, secularism, Social democracy