The South Ural physicians received social benefits on 1,2 billion rubles

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Author: Smolnikov Leonid Photo: Borovikova Julia (newspaper "Vecherny Chelyabinsk") Special extra charges to salary in the region receive 20 thousand medical workers. In 2023 the regional office of Social fund listed to physicians of payments in the amount of 4,5 to 18,5 thousand rubles. Total amount of payments made 1,2 billion rubles, reported in the department press service. According to the acting managing director of office of SOCIAL FOUNDATION RUSSIA, SFR on Chelyabinsk Region Vladimir Nikolaevich Sharonov, for receiving means physicians do not need to address in SOCIAL FOUNDATION RUSSIA, SFR as medical institutions provide every month in SOCIAL FOUNDATION RUSSIA, SFR registers of workers with the indication of the sum of payments and...