16 star hairdresses about which we would tell "anything special", but saw them behind and were stupefied

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Gathering for a red path, stars seek to impress public with the image once again. One choose a dress more frankly, others put on fabulously expensive jewelry, and the third stake on an effective hairdress. Here, for example, Stefani Germanotta even itself Deyeneris Targariyen would envy braids. Stefani Germanotta Christina Maria Agilera Jennifer Shreyder Lourens Emma Charlotte Dyuerr Watson Jessica Michelle Chesteyn Brays Dallas Howard Sanders Zhasmin Scarlett Johansson Storm Reed Leonie Hanna Kherst Lydia Menunos Maria Pom Alexandra Klementyeff Felisiti Rose Khedli Jones Teresa Marie Palmer Emily Jean Stone Bonus: while other celebrities do smart hairdresses for...