In Saransk discussed questions of fight against a radio phobia

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In Saransk passed a briefing concerning the radio phobia overcoming, the initiated MINISTRY TSIFROVOGO RAZVITIYA RESPUBLIKI Republic of Mordovia. Experts of Tele2, republican managements took part in discussion of a hot topic Federal Supervision Agency for Customer Protection and Human Welfare and scientific soobshchestva.15 December on a platform NATIONAL RESEARCH MORDOVSKY STATE UNIVERSITY, MOSCOW STATE UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER N. P. OGARYOVA; FEDERAL STATE-FUNDED EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION FOREIGN ECONOMIC ASSOCIATION "MGU NAMED AFTER N. P. OGARYOVA" there passed the briefing devoted to fight against a radio phobia – unreasonable fear of sources of radiation. Leading mass media of the republic were invited to action. The acting as the minister of digital developments Republic of Mordovia Roman Kurmakaev noted that...