The series "Gloss" with Alexandra Bortich, Larissa Dolina and Gavrilina Julia completely came to Ivi ​

@The Blueprint
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The series "Gloss" with Alexandra Bortich, Larissa Dolina and Gavrilina Julia completely came to Ivi All series criminal romkoma it is already possible to look on a platform. "In this history there is any improbable energy: in a plot, in actors with which I was lucky to work. The main characters very different, inconsistent, and it just that the Russian viewer so loves. We tried to make history atypical, with unexpected subject turns, bright details and locations. I hope, thanks to all this everyone will take great pleasure from viewing" — the production director tells...
Alexandra Bortich
Last position: Actress
Larissa Dolina
Last position: Manager of chair of variety and jazz singing (MOSCOW CITY GOSUDARSTVENNY HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTION KULTURY)
Aleksey Mikhaylovich Agranovich
Last position: Actor, director
Yvan Nikolaevich Batarev
Last position: Actor (Saint Petersburg city State budget cultural institution "Sankt-Peterburgsky akademichesky theater named after Lensoveta")