The average salary in Kazan in 2023 will make more than 60 thousand rubles

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The average salary in Kazan following the results of 2023 will make 60 935 rubles. About it at meeting Kazgordumyzayavil the deputy administrator of executive committee of the capital Rtildar Ildar Shakirov. By the way, this size of a salary is 10,9% more, than following the results of the 2022nd (54 946 rubles). It agrees to the forecast presented at meeting, in the 2024th salary of citizens of Kazan has to make 65 828 rubles, and in the 2025th – already 70 626 rubles. "By 2026 the salary will increase in relation to the 2022nd for 38% and will reach nearly 76 thousand rubles", – Ildar Shakirov speaks. He emphasized that growth of salaries in the predicted period will make in...
Ildar Shakirov
Last position: Deputy head (Executive committee of the municipal entity of the Kazan city)