The Film lecture hall about Youri Alekseevich Gagarin and his flight in space carried out to Dushanbe

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On December 13 in the Russian center of INDEPENDENT NONCOMMERCIAL ORGANIZATION "TSNII RTSU" the teacher of chair of Russian Institutes Russian of РУДН; РУДН ИМ. ПАТРИСА ЛУМУМБЫ; РОССИЙСКИЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ ДРУЖБЫ НАРОДОВ ИМ. ПАТРИСА ЛУМУМБЫ; РОССИЙСКИЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ ДРУЖБЫ НАРОДОВ; ФГАОУ ВО РУДН; ФГАОУ ВО РУДН ИМ. ПАТРИСА ЛУМУМБЫ; ФГАОУ ВО "РОССИЙСКИЙ УНИВЕРСИТЕТ ДРУЖБЫ НАРОДОВ ИМЕНИ ПАТРИСА ЛУМУМБЫ" Merkulova Julia carried out a film lecture hall according to the movie "Youri Alekseevich Gagarin. The first in space" the director Pawel Parkhomenko about the first astronaut of a planet Youri Alekseevich Gagarin and it weed in space for first-year students of faculty of philology, journalism and media technologies. Action is devoted to Year...