On December 13, 2023 in KBNTs Russian Academy of Sciences the seminar on a robotics] took plac

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Kokov L., the junior researcher IIPRA KBNTS RAHN and NPO Androidnaya tekhnika of "Bionanorobototekhnik", presented the work on production of the case of the console for fastening of system of computer sight and visualization of the interface of the experimental stand for working off of systems of neurocognitive management by multilink manipulators. Kokov L. in details described process of production of the case on 3D - the printer, told about the chosen materials and technologies. It marked out advantages 3D - the press in the course of creation of robotic components, such as speed, accuracy and possibility of creation...
Aleksey Zammoev
Main activity:Official
Kokov L.
Kokova L.
Anchekov M. I.
Abazokov M. A.