Levi Zachary reproached James Frensis Gann-mladshy that that chose the brother for the new movie DCU

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The new project on DCU will appear in 2025 with a release of the movie "the Superman: Heritage", but until then many fans and even those who stands behind some characters, guess who will appear in this new Universe. In recent conversation with Comicbook.com Levi Zachary told that would like to return to Shazam's roles in the future. "I with pleasure would act in several iterations. I would like to cooperate with Fillion Nathan as the Green Lamp", - he told. However, if it is end of a role Levi Zachary in "Shazam", he is, seemingly, happy with the done work. "I very much am proud of both movies. I...
Sean Gann
Last position: Actor
Levi Zachary
Fillion Nathan