In Boris Yeltsin - the center expressed hospitalization of the spouse of the first president of Russia
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In Boris Yeltsin - the center did not confirm, but also did not disprove data on hospitalization of the 91-year-old spouse of the first president of Russia Naina Yeltsina, transfers RIA Novosti news agency. To this Telegram - the Mash channel claimed that Naina Yeltsina because of deterioration of health left in hospital in Moscow. After the publication in Boris Yeltsin - the center expressed that do not provide medical information of personal character. Earlier being vice-president of Russia Alexander Rutskoy declared that after a door from an entrance in which there lived Boris Yeltsin, at the auction there will be also his toilet bowl. It left such comment concerning auction...
Alexander Rutskoy
Main activity:Politician
Shtukina Catherina